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2009-02-25 21:23:28 | 黄海柱 | 飘过 ) | 2009-02-25 11:25:40 | 吳瑞蘭 (Miss Ng) | Wow, just found out people can leave messages here. How nice. Wish everyone who had studied or worked at HYSY Happy New Year!! | 2009-02-24 15:42:48 | 沙川 | 郑桂强同學,機會只得一次,而且學校都冇咗,點讀呢?
| 2009-02-24 13:20:30 | 郑桂强 | 尊敬的校长
你好,我叫桂强 原来在三育中学读初2在二《4》班的..现在被朋友骗去工作现在非常后悔为什丹书不读去打死工呢? , 可是我想里的确是还好想回去读书不知道到学校还能不能给我一次读书的机会呢?如果可以的话,我一定会好好珍惜的。 | 2009-02-23 23:46:21 | 廖繼嫦 | 李麗兒,如我冇記錯你以前係高高瘦瘦的,有直音的冬菇頭呀。係我應該係你中一時結婚的,香港三育冇鰳u係好可惜,唯有留番這個網站,得閒懷念鵅C我現在係大埔三育教書,你呢,做緊咩呀? | 2009-02-23 10:27:47 | xie xu | hi 周禮賢, I am your friend back to Peking University, Xie Xu. I lost your contact when i graduated from RPI and got my email account there closed. I am on a business trip to Shenzhen now. So hope i can see you again. my email: xiexu77@gmail.com
All the best, -xu ps. I hope someone still taking care of the msg board here. | 2009-02-23 10:24:39 | xie xu | hi Justin Chow,
I am your friend back to Peking University, Xie Xu.
I lost your contact when i graduated from RPI and got my email account there closed.
I am on a business trip to Shenzhen now. So hope i can see you again.
All the best,
ps. I hope someone still taking care of the msg board here. | 2009-02-23 03:54:38 | 李麗儀 | 廖繼嫦老師你好,首先我叫李麗儀 F.1 以前你陳經做我班主任1C 班
那年好似只有7位或5位女生 其他都係男生 個年你好似剛剛結婚 (如果我無記錯的話) 同班同学有 王意华 , 游徑成 ,其他就唔多記得 , 知道自己讀過的中学無咗 真有點不開心 那你現在還做老師嗎 希望一切都可好
那年好似1997至1998年 當年我只能完成中三就無再讀
| 2009-02-21 01:22:46 | 沙川 | miss liu我梗記得你拉,個個miss阿sir我都記得架~我宜家做嘢囉,我msn:shachuen@hotmail.com~add我囉.係度講嘢唔多方便嘅~嘻 | 2009-02-18 23:04:09 | 方妙情 | 我個電郵系candymqfang@yahoo.com.cn麻煩各位幫下忙 |
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